EPISODE 5 THE delta variant and vaccines

Since April, Autism Society Habilitation Organization (ASHO) has celebrated Autism Awareness Month(AAM). Our efforts will be to spread as much awareness and bring forth change and acceptance towards ASD families.
To impact the people in our society we present “MANUSH MANUSHER JONNO” which translates to “People for people”. This webinar series will be broadcasted live on our Facebook page as well as Shatadal TV’s Facebook page. It will be aired twice a month in Bangladesh and New York.
On the fifth episode aired on the July 25, 2021, we discuss the challenges of growing up with ASD in South-Asian communities. Our speakers on the panel were nephrologist Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed and primary care physician Dr. Sharmin Sultana. Both Physicians shared their views on the new Delta Variant and Vaccinations. Recitor Delera Nahar Babu and Singer Dr. Shema Khan also joins us to emphasize on why it is of paramount importance to get vaccinated and activities in families that would keep the special IDD population engaged in this pandemic. Along with our Executive director Rubaiya Rahman answering queries from parents and caregivers of children with ID/DD who joined us as viewers. The show is hosted by the CEO of Shatadal TV Kabir Kiron.
This project has been funded by the Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC).
Stay tuned and join us for Episode 6 of “MANUSH MANUSHER JONNO” on Saturday, August 10, 2021 at 9:00PM (EST) .
We hope you enjoy them as much as we did and join us in more of these amazing initiatives of creating awareness.
আমরা চাই তোমরা আসো!
EPISODE 4 The Challenges of growing up with autism

Since April, Autism Society Habilitation Organization (ASHO) has celebrated Autism Awareness Month(AAM). Our efforts will be to spread as much awareness and bring forth change and acceptance towards ASD families.
To impact the people in our society we present “MANUSH MANUSHER JONNO” which translates to “People for people”. This webinar series will be broadcasted live on our Facebook page as well as Shatadal TV’s Facebook page. It will be aired twice a month in Bangladesh and New York.
On the fourth episode aired on the June 11, 2021, we discuss the challenges of growing up with ASD in South-Asian communities. Our specialist OTD and OTR/L Pallavi Patel speaks on the importance of Occupational and P hysical therapy especially in the time of the pandemic. Musicians Bizon Mistry and Tanjina Islam also joins us to emphasize on why it is of paramount importance to get vaccinated and activities in families that would keep the special IDD population engaged in this pandemic. Along with our Executive director Rubaiya Rahman answering queries from parents and caregivers of children with ID/DD who joined us as viewers. The show is hosted by the CEO of Shatadal TV Kabir Kiron.
This project has been funded by the Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC).
Stay tuned and join us for Episode 5 of “MANUSH MANUSHER JONNO” on Saturday, July 25, 2021 at 9:00PM (EST) .
We hope you enjoy them as much as we did and join us in more of these amazing initiatives of creating awareness.
আমরা চাই তোমরা আসো!
EPISODE 3 autism and music therapy

Since April, Autism Society Habilitation Organization (ASHO) has celebrated Autism Awareness Month(AAM). Our efforts will be to spread as much awareness and bring forth change and acceptance towards ASD families.
To impact the people in our society we present “MANUSH MANUSHER JONNO” which translates to “People for people”. This webinar series will be broadcasted live on our Facebook page as well as Shatadal TV’s Facebook page. It will be aired twice a month in Bangladesh and New York.
On the third episode aired on the May 09, 2021, we discuss the impact of music in ASD families in South-Asian communities. Musicians Pujon Das, Shoma Mukherjee, Salim Ibrahim and reciter Hasan Amjad joins us to emphasize on why it is of paramount importance to get vaccinated and music therapy in families in this pandemics. Along with our Executive director Rubaiya Rahman answering queries from parents and caregivers of children with ID/DD who joined us as viewers. The show is hosted by the CEO of Shatadal TV Kabir Kiron.
This project has been funded by the Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC).
Stay tuned and join us for Episode 4 of “MANUSH MANUSHER JONNO” on Friday, June 11, 2021 at 9:00PM (EDT) to discuss the Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy amidst the pandemic.
We hope you enjoy them as much as we did and join us in more of these amazing initiatives of creating awareness.
আমরা চাই তোমরা আসো!
Episode 2 Challenges of Vaccination in ASD Families

This April, the Autism Society Habilitation Organization (ASHO) celebrates Autism Awareness Month(AAM). Our efforts will be to spread as much awareness and bring forth change and acceptance towards ASD families.
To impact the people in our society we present “MANUSH MANUSHER JONNO” which translates to “People for people”. This webinar series will be broadcasted live on our Facebook page as well as Shatadal TV’s Facebook page. It will be aired twice a month in Bangladesh and New York.
On the second episode aired on the April 25, 2021, we discuss the challenges of vaccination in ASD families in South-Asian communities. Dr. Animita Saha an Internal Medicine Specialist (in Charlotte, NC) joins us to shine light on why it is of paramount importance to get vaccinated. As the other panelist, Kerbanoo DRozario, a mother of a child with special needs joined us to advocate for vaccination . Along with our Executive director Rubaiya Rahman, we have musicians Ostad Salauddin Ahmed and Rupa Ghose to engage more children with ID/DD and their parents who joined us as viewers. The show is hosted by the CEO of Shatadal TV Kabir Kiron.
This project has been funded by the Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC).
Stay tuned and join us for Episode 3 of “MANUSH MANUSHER JONNO” on Sunday, May 9, 2021 at 11:00AM (EDT) to discuss the after effects of the vaccines.
We hope you enjoy them as much as we did and join us in more of these amazing initiatives of creating awareness.
আমরা চাই তোমরা আসো!
Episode 1 Importance of Autism Awareness

This April, the Autism Society Habilitation Organization (ASHO) celebrates Autism Awareness Month(AAM). Our efforts will be to spread as much awareness and bring forth change and acceptance towards ASD families.
To impact the people in our society we present “MANUSH MANUSHER JONNO” which translates to “People for people”. This webinar series will be broadcasted live on our Facebook page as well as Shatadal TV’s Facebook page. It will be aired twice a month in Bangladesh and New York.
On the first episode aired on the 18th of April, we discuss creating awareness about ASD, especially in South-Asian communities. As the specialist on the panel, we are joined by child and adolescent psychiatrist Jennifer Rahman. Our Executive director Rubaiya Rahman, fellow resident parent Adan Islam, and team member Sumaiya Gulshan share some of their stories about why creating awareness is imperative and how people close to them have been often affected and neglected. The show is hosted by the CEO of Shatadal TV Kabir Kiron and musician Zoheb Hassan Nat.
This project has been funded by the Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC).
Stay tuned and join us for Episode 2 of “MANUSH MANUSHER JONNO” on Sunday, April 25, 2021, at 11:00 AM (EDT) where we discuss the challenges of vaccination in ASD families.
We hope you enjoy them as much as we did and join us in more of these amazing initiatives of creating awareness.
আমরা চাই তোমরা আসো!